2015 臺北設計城市展 | 宣傳動畫
Taipei Design and City Exhibition in 2015 Promo



而結尾的鏡頭設計以全民群體的翻轉動作,來作為回應策展主題的主要概念「社會設計=人民力量」 。
媒體報導 / PRESS
_ Design Magazine issue no.185​​​​​​
為了延續這股浪潮並進一步發酵,2015臺北設計城市展利用社會設計將設計思考模式導入城市設計中,藉由民間發聲、政府聆聽,設計師則發揮專業協助執行解決社會問題的解決,同時本此展覽也是2016 設計之都 World Design Capital 的前導活動。

Inspired by the 2014 Sunflower Movement, Taiwanese young generation has taken to streets for justice via social media. 

To continue this movement and to extend the impact, "Taipei Design and City Exhibition in 2015" infuses social design into urban planning. How to tackle social issues is a combined concept of social design and a sense of willingness to let people speak, let government listen and let designers do their job. This exhibition is the prelude for the 2016 World Design Capital.
宣傳動畫除了作為展覽全程的宣傳媒介之用以外,並身負宣傳其中一項系列活動「海選!100個社會設計提案!」的重大任務,活動主要在於彰顯社會設計不單只是口號或理論,而是具有持續推動城市翻轉的巨大動能。除了鼓勵市民踴躍提出對台北城市新的提案,同時影片需要能夠傳達並教育觀眾三項策展的核心概念:Empowerment, Enabling and Social Solidarity.
This animated promotional video not only acts as a marketing tool of the entire exhibition, but promotes one of its most important events of the exhibition - the "Competition for 100 social design proposals".
The proposals emphacizes that social design is not just a slogan or theory. Instead, it has such a sustaniable momentum that can push the city to evolve. In addition to encouraging citizen to propose plans to Taipei City, the video demonstrates three core concepts of the exhibition: Empowerment, Enabling and Social Solidarity.
展覽最後不但串連起台灣眾多優異跨領域的設計師與創意人,引起社會探討人民生活中更多的可能性;同時透過這隻宣傳影片以及媒體報導,將社會設計的意識延續到今日台灣產業與學界的多項以"重新設計"為核心的改革運動,例如榮獲由Shopping Design 雜誌舉辦的"2015 Taiwan Design Best 100";也影響台灣許多設計學院將社會設計作為學期作品、畢業創作的候選題材。
Finally, the exhibition connects many of the best designers with creative professionals from various fields in Taiwan. It inspires citizens to find new possibilites in their daily life. Through this promotional video and concomitant media coverage, the exhibition will fuel social reforms that derive from the idea of “redesign”, which aims to pass along social design to Taiwan’s local industry and academia. Take "2015 Taiwan Design Best 100" for example. It was held by Shopping Design Magazine, the impact of which has already been made in many Taiwan’s design schools where students embraces the concept in their honor projects.
超乎預期的後續效應像是呼應了展覽最初的標題"WE ARE THE POWER" – 不要小看自己手中的力量,每一個市民都擁有改變整座城市的力量。
The unexpected reverberation seems to echo the original title of exhibition, "WE ARE THE POWER. Never underestimate the power in you, every citizen has the power to change the whole city.


客戶 Client:格式設計展策 InFormat Design Curating
影像統籌 Creative Agency:白輻射影像 WhiteLight Studio
專案統籌 Project Manager:任芯瑩 Hsin Ying Jen
導演 Director & Motion Supervision:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
美術指導 Art Director : 洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
設計師 Motion Designer:徐光慧 Sylvia Hsu、鄭凱文 Kevin Cheng
片尾 Key Visual : 格式設計展策 InFormat design curating
旁白 Voice-over : 吳盈萱
音樂 Music:白輻射影像 WhiteLight Studio
音效 Sound Effect:黃鎮洋 Triodust、洪新志 Xin-Zhi Hong

| 相關連結 |

2015臺北設計城市展 https://www.facebook.com/taipeidesigncity
格式設計展策 https://www.facebook.com/informatcurating
白輻射影像 https://www.facebook.com/WhiteLightMotion
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