We are working with Bank Sinopac to launch the all-new DAWAY credit card concept in 2024, where design and finance intersect and explore more possibilities of financial innovation and experiences.
As a credit card that directly faces digital-era consumers, we see sustainability, innovation and design as consumption demands, emphasizing interaction and sharing, and through consumption behaviors to establish interpersonal relationships with communities that are close to one's own values. Therefore, with "Resonance" as the creative core, taking charge of the visual coordination of Bank Sinopac DAWAY card, accurately interpreting how the emerging generation explores the meaning of society and self through consumption behaviors.The overall image extracts the characteristics of continuous sound waves implied in the card name "DAWAY" from the naming of the card. The varying sound waves represent the voices of the digital generation and symbolize the unique consumption propositions and value frequencies of the new generation.

我們在DAWAY發佈會運用双融域 (AMBI SPACE ONE) 5G+4K全沉浸數位展演場地,以科技藝術展現人文風景、以沈浸式體驗詮釋消費行為的虛實整合,DAWAY卡不只是虛實轉換之間的通行證,它更像是數位世代的第二張身分證,每一次的消費,都是人們的意識延伸與自我表述。
When consumption becomes a daily scenario for emerging self-styles in an era of experiences, the DAWAY card is the bridge connecting the virtual online world and physical life.
We used the AMBI SPACE ONE 5G+4K full immersive digital exhibition space at the DAWAY launch event, using tech art to present humanistic landscapes and using immersive experiences to interpret the integration of virtual and real consumption behaviors. The DAWAY card is not just a pass between virtual and real conversions, it is more like the second ID card for the digital generation, and every consumption is an extension of people's consciousness and self-expression.
From credit card brand to immersive experiences, we not only incorporated sound and visual thinking into the DAWAY card, but also generated connections and resonance with internet cultural symbols, so that credit cards are not just financial tools for the digital generation, but also opportunities for every generation to courageously explore common interests, transform consumption into self-expression, and outline experiences of unique wavelengths.

Client 客戶:永豐商業銀行 Bank Sinopac
Creative Agency:白輻射影像 Whitelight Motion
專案經理 Project Manager:詹智強 Jim Chan
創意總監 Creative Director:曾傑 Jesse Tseng
藝術總監 Art Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
創意Ideation:曾傑 Jesse Tseng、石曦璇 Xi Shih
媒體公關 PR:張翰豪 Sean Chang
卡面與標準字設計 Card Design & Logotype:石曦璇 Xi Shih
視覺形象Key Visual Designer:莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG
網頁視覺Website Visual Design:莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG
視覺應用Key Visual Package:莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG、徐毅驊 Yi Hua Hsu
形象影片 Promo Motion Design:莊仲凱 Kyle Jhuang
Creative Agency:白輻射影像 Whitelight Motion
專案經理 Project Manager:詹智強 Jim Chan
創意總監 Creative Director:曾傑 Jesse Tseng
藝術總監 Art Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
創意Ideation:曾傑 Jesse Tseng、石曦璇 Xi Shih
媒體公關 PR:張翰豪 Sean Chang
卡面與標準字設計 Card Design & Logotype:石曦璇 Xi Shih
視覺形象Key Visual Designer:莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG
網頁視覺Website Visual Design:莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG
視覺應用Key Visual Package:莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG、徐毅驊 Yi Hua Hsu
形象影片 Promo Motion Design:莊仲凱 Kyle Jhuang
沈浸投影腳本 Projection Mapping Storyboard :徐毅驊 Yi Hua Hsu
沈浸投影視覺設計 Projection Mapping Styleframes:徐毅驊 Yi Hua Hsu
沈浸投影動態設計 Projection Mapping Motion Design:莊仲凱 Kyle Jhuang、KhooKG 許凱鈞、石曦璇 Xi Shih
攝影Photographer: 張藝霖 Cooper Chang
沈浸投影視覺設計 Projection Mapping Styleframes:徐毅驊 Yi Hua Hsu
沈浸投影動態設計 Projection Mapping Motion Design:莊仲凱 Kyle Jhuang、KhooKG 許凱鈞、石曦璇 Xi Shih
攝影Photographer: 張藝霖 Cooper Chang
特別感謝 Special Thanks