hotelpoispois 泡泡飯店為台灣第一間以女性為主的獨立飯店,致力於創造與眾不同的旅程體驗。
企圖表達從進入飯店空間的一刻起,如氣泡般「不停向上」,發現微妙與無限的心境變化,最後在PoisPoisHotel 體驗屬於自己私密的真空氣泡,並且感受美好精彩設計。
Hotelpoispois is the first woman-focus independent hotel dedicating for creating a unique journey and experience.
In the brand image promo, “circular” is the core element whose storyline is to feel beyond the limit with three layers of subject, freedom, infinity, and rising. The circular might be rolling balls, rising champagne bubble, or a gravity-free water drop floating. These symbols with infinite possibilities are the visitors’ own experience in the hotel.
The main visual elements are steps, curved colour palate, mirroring, and the contrast colour like blue and red that are sampled from the key feature of the hotel reflecting its brand asset of detail and accuracy.
We try to express the moment when visitors enter the hotel; they can feel the sense of floating like bubbles. Then, they can indulge themselves into very own bubbles to feel design of PoisPoisHotel.

▒ Credit
Design Agency / 白輻射影像 WhiteLight Motion
客戶 Client:Hotel Poispois
導演 Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
概念 Concept:許芳瑜 Fang-Yu Hsu、林妤恒 Yu-Heng Lin、黃三三 Brooke Huang
美術 Design:陳志育 Ida Chen、江品緒 Patrick Chiang
動畫 Motion Design : 陳志育 Ida Chen
合成 Compositing:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
音樂與聲音設計 Music & Sound Design:許家維 Hsu Chia-Wei
導演 Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
概念 Concept:許芳瑜 Fang-Yu Hsu、林妤恒 Yu-Heng Lin、黃三三 Brooke Huang
美術 Design:陳志育 Ida Chen、江品緒 Patrick Chiang
動畫 Motion Design : 陳志育 Ida Chen
合成 Compositing:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
音樂與聲音設計 Music & Sound Design:許家維 Hsu Chia-Wei