15th KKBOX Music Awards | Visual Package

亞洲娛樂生活領導品牌 KKBOX 年度盛事「第15屆 KKBOX 風雲榜頒獎典禮」,以連結多元、音愛而生的「Music Connects Everything」為主題,將華語、西洋樂壇人氣鼎沸的重磅音樂人、天團與潮流新聲全部匯集在一起。我們榮幸擔任視覺統籌,從主視覺、典禮開場影像至典禮視覺包裝,以Play Music with Love為視覺概念貫穿,帶著玩心、按下播放,釋放自由、多元與愛,傳遞這些能量如同音樂一樣,是經歷時間考驗、依然能堅定存在的價值。

The 15th KKBOX Music Awards celebrated diversity and a love for music under the theme "Music Connects Everything," bringing together leading Mandarin and Western music artists.We served as the visual director, creating the Key Visual, opening video, and event visuals. Inspired by "Play Music with Love," our design expressed freedom, diversity, and timeless values—reflecting music's enduring power.

Key Visual | Play Music with Love

主視覺設計將「玩 play」「音樂 music」「愛 love」 三個核心精神並列時,強烈的共鳴創造出密集的共振光暈。透過光暈的反覆交疊、融合,呈現出三種精神因相互吸引、彼此激發、來回影響而建立起綿密連結的過程。彼此交集之處散發比獨立存在時更加明亮熾熱的光芒,象徵多元連結而生的力量。

The Key Visual unites "play," "music," and "love" to create a resonant halo effect. Overlapping halos represent these values merging and amplifying one another, with their intersections emitting a brighter glow—symbolizing the powerful energy of diverse connections.

From Zero to Hero, Music Connects Everything

人類是一個多元的光譜,無數顏色相遇產生各種交集。而音樂,是我們跨越時空、語言最大的交集、最響的共鳴。我們將共鳴引起的「共振效果」,作為視覺的核心元素。 透過不斷醞釀、共振、擴散的光暈,感受音樂中不受拘束的自由、生命和力量。當視覺物件之間的光暈相遇,不論分歧、對立、差異都有了交集;即使世界不斷下沉,音樂也能成為帶動一切逆行而上的巨大能量。音樂,讓一切的事物有了連結。

Humanity is a spectrum of diverse connections, and music is our strongest intersection across time and language. We used the “resonance effect” of this harmony as the core of our visual design, with expanding halos symbolizing music’s boundless freedom, life, and energy. When these halos meet, differences converge, creating powerful connections that uplift even in challenging times. Music unites all.

Creative Agency:白輻射影像 WhiteLight Motion
Creative Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
Project Manager:黃嗣軒 Ng Syh Shiuan
Creative:石曦璇 Xi Shih、詹秉翰 Han Zhan、孫非比 Phoebe Sun
Key Visual:詹秉翰 Han Zhan、許家豪 Chia Hao
Logotype:許家豪 Chia Hao
Graphic Designer:林姿吟 Ziyin Lin
Copywriter:孫非比 Phoebe Sun
Styleframe:許家豪 Chia Hao、李世斌 Niel Lee
Storyboard:石曦璇 Xi Shih、余添葆 Richard Yee
Motion Designer : 陳騏 Chi Chen、劉凱文 Kai-Wen Liu、余添葆 Richard Yee
Compositing:余添葆 Richard Yee
Scoring Mixer:黃榮毅 Eazie Huang

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