國家影視聽中心(Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute) 長期致力於影視內容的典藏、研究與修復工作,2022年起正式進駐座落新北市正式場館後,身分與能量也更顯茁壯。
Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute aims to archive, research, and restore Taiwanese films and other audiovisual content. After relocating to its permanent site in New Taipei City in 2022, its identity and energy have grown even stronger.
Inspired by the flowing segments of the new building, we turned the logomark into a symbol for a streaming timeline that not only corresponds to the architectural design concept of “the montage of time and space”, but also reveals that films, television, and radio are the three distribution contexts that store time. Furthermore, the logomark consists of several segments, as a metaphor for the editing and composition professions, and the identity of an institute for research, education, and promotion. Eye-catching brand colors like lime green and silver are chosen to show the desire to be seen through its mission of restoration for the future.