原視新聞節目包裝 Taiwan Indigenous TV News Program Package

原住民族電視台 (TITV, Taiwan Indigenous TV) 為臺灣第一個全天候以臺灣原住民族為主題的電視頻道,旗下重點節目「原視新聞」(TITV News) 持續傳遞著這片土地與世界的觀點。我們為原視新聞規劃全新的整體節目視覺包裝,以「宏觀視野」為設計概念,將原住民文化共同的圖騰”mata“ (眼睛) 菱形符號,貫穿新聞整體各單元,象徵著新聞作為觀看世界的眼睛的重要意涵。

TITV, Taiwan Indigenous TV, is Taiwan’s first TV channel focused solely on Taiwanese indigenous topics throughout the day. Their signature program, TITV News, broadcasts the point of views of this land and the world. The TV program packaging we redesigned has a “macro-point of view” at its core. The rhombic totem called ‘mata’ (eye), common among Taiwan’s indigenous cultures, can be seen throughout all program segments, representing news as an important portal to view the world.

Creative & Design Agency:白輻射影像 WhiteLight Motion
Creative Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
Project Manager:林之謙 Chien Lin
Creative:鄧楷蓉 Kaijung Teng、石曦璇 Xi Shih、姚国豪 KH Yew
Graphic Design:石曦璇 Xi Shih、劉又慈 Yutzu Liu
Storyboard:鄧楷蓉 Kaijung Teng、姚国豪 KH Yew
Styleframe Designer:姚国豪 KH Yew、鄧楷蓉 Kaijung Teng、石曦璇 Xi Shih
Modeling:姚国豪 KH Yew、余添葆 Richard Yee、詹游丞 zhengyochegn
Texture & Lighting:姚国豪 KH Yew、余添葆 Richard Yee
Motion Designer:余添葆 Richard Yee、詹游丞 zhengyochegn、廖東騰 Tung Teng Liao
Compositor:余添葆 Richard Yee、詹游丞 zhengyochegn
Music & Sound Production:冬洋製樂 Dysoundlab
Sound Designer:翁維辰 Wei Chen Weng

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