分鏡 / Storyboard 
團隊幕後花絮 / Behind the Scene
The 2016 Presidential and parliament election should be a new page of Taiwan. But Taiwanese people didn’t see a policy-based election. The lack of debate of policy on main-stream media, war of words, all blinds Taiwanese people about seeing a bright future.   
This is not the democracy we want.
因此由14間跨領域公司與新生代意見領袖在短短三週整隊策劃發起了《政問 - Talk to Taiwan》,一個每週播出的新型態網路政論節目。針對每一個議題,找出一個關鍵領袖,請教一個核心問題,得到一個解決方案。連續八周,創造有品質的談話、詰問與討論,讓有骨有肉的回答透過科技方法擴散,讓真實的答案寫下台灣未來政策備忘錄。
Hence, after 3 weeks branding and founded by 14 cross-field company and opinion leader, 《Talk to Taiwan》was released. It’s a new type of internet political commentary talk show and broadcast everyweek. Targerting an issue, find a key leader, ask a key question and get the solution.
Through 8 weeks, the show has created high-qualitied discussion and debate. Spread by technology, it leaves a memorandum for Taiwan’s future policy. 
The title of the show,  extends and echos the concept of Logo design in key vision in the motion graphic design. Dialoguing and communicating with different idealogical voice. Despite of differnt position. it seeks and collects a conclusion at the end.
以幾何造型作為角色設定的概念,每個符號都擁有不同立場的聲音(以造型與顏色表現) ,用表演來呈現「對話」, 有包容、交集、爭辯,一一反映在動態設計上。在片頭最終結束前,粉紅色的政問Logo像是眾多形狀凝聚、淬煉、產生而誕生的新共識。
The concept is to use geometric shape as the design of characters. Each symbol has their own voice, presented by shape and color. And the dialogue is represented by performance. Tolerant, communication and debate, all are shown in the motion graphic design.  Before the end of the title, pink TalktoTW logo just like the new consensus born by the composement of many shapes.
With time passes, TalktoTW has become a media with certain impact. Continually supervise the government after election, TalktoTW is the demonstration of Taiwan’s people power. It is the chance for people to change Taiwan.

Past shows review website
Client : 政問
Agency : 白輻射影像 Whitelight Motion
Director : 洪鈺堂
Design : 何婉君 (Houth)
Motion Design : 陳柏尹
MUSIC : Stanley (三十而立 Sincerely Music)
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