YStudio Brand Image Film "The Stroke of Creators"|物外品牌形象片《創作者的筆觸》


我們為台灣精品文具品牌 物外YSTUDIO 在十週年之際,打造品牌形象影片《創作者的筆觸》,透過邀請四位跨領域國際級大師,暢談創作背後的熱情與故事。無論是用肢體在舞臺上揮灑、用湯匙寫下氣味、用畫筆揭露真實,每個人都是創作者,熱情、汗水、承諾或信念就是你留下的筆觸。

How does a pen become an extension of a creator's will, from a dish, a dance, a carved dragon, to a design detail? It can be simple yet meticulously refined.
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of YStudio, a boutique stationery brand from Taiwan, we have created a brand image video entitled "The Stroke of Creators." By inviting four internationally acclaimed masters from different fields, we delve into the passion and stories behind their creations.
Whether it's expressing oneself through movements on stage, capturing scents with a spoon, or revealing truths with a paintbrush, everyone is a creator. Your passion, sweat, commitment, or beliefs are the brushstrokes you leave behind.


We delve into the enduring brand essence of YStudio, which has always been a companion to creators. To celebrate this, we have specially invited four prominent figures from various creative fields to share their creative journeys and discuss how they connect with YStudio's unwavering ten-year philosophy.
These include Chi-Yi Chang, President of the Taiwan Design Research Institute, who will discuss how design is intricately linked to everyday life, drawing from his experience as an architect and a leader in Taiwan's design culture. Michelin-starred chef André Chiang will reveal the origins of sensory experiences through the art of flavor creation. Hsiao-Mei Ho, a National Award for Arts-winning choreographer, will explore the connection between creators and their tools, comparing it to the relationship between a choreographer and a dancer in the process of co-creation. Art conservator Tsai Shun-Jen will share his experiences, illustrating the mission of conservators to engage in a dialogue with artworks and history, restoring not only the pieces themselves but also their atmospheres.

Creative Agency / 白輻射影像 Whitelight Motion
Client:物外設計 YSTUDIO
Project Manager:何若樸
Creative Director : 曾傑 Jesse Tseng
Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
Producer:蔡孟庭 Tintin Tsai
DP : 黃誌偉 LilHuang
Camera Crew : 吳明志 Dapunk Wu 、陳冠文Henry Chen
Editing:陳景頤 Jin-Yi Chen
Grading:時間軸 TimeLine Studio
Mixing:冬洋製樂 Dysoundlab

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