The motion visual identity of Za Share Expo derives from the Chinese mythological figure- Nezha, who has three heads and six arms. This figure symbolizes that modern pupils need to be multi-talented, in other words, let the spirit of “Za Share” to be flown into their veins and they are capale of surving in this competitive world.
The promo video extends the spirit of Za Share, mixing the multi-talented personailies of “Slash Men”into the divers faces of the main character. The Za Share character keeps the mischievousness of adolescence, which highlights the young generation dares to pursue their own value during education.
形象動畫延伸主視覺哪吒精神,將「斜槓青年 SLASH 」多重領域專長融合為主角身上的多元面貌,同時雜學士保存著大男孩的不太乖性格,彰顯年輕世代在學習上勇於追求自己心中認定的價值。
The motion visual identity of Za Share Expo derives from the Chinese mythological figure- Nezha, who has three heads and six arms. This figure symbolizes that modern pupils need to be multi-talented, in other words, let the spirit of “Za Share” to be flown into their veins and they are capale of surving in this competitive world.
The promo video extends the spirit of Za Share, mixing the multi-talented personailies of “Slash Men”into the divers faces of the main character. The Za Share character keeps the mischievousness of adolescence, which highlights the young generation dares to pursue their own value during education.
形象動畫延伸主視覺哪吒精神,將「斜槓青年 SLASH 」多重領域專長融合為主角身上的多元面貌,同時雜學士保存著大男孩的不太乖性格,彰顯年輕世代在學習上勇於追求自己心中認定的價值。
_ 動態腳本 Motionboard

_ 活動花絮 Behind the scene

_ 美術設定 Art

_ 故事分鏡 Storyboard

_ 截圖 Final Stills

客戶 Client:雜學校 Za Share
視覺統籌 Graphic Design: 奧茲藝術 OzzieArt
░ 動態影像統籌 Design Studio / 白輻射影像 Whitelight Motion
導演 Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
分鏡設計師 Storyboard Designer:張超傑 Jack Chang
動畫腳本 Motionboard : 陳亮宇 LightFish chen、余鐵非 Tieh-Fei Yu
2D 動畫 2D Animation : 張超傑 Jack Chang、陳亮宇 LightFish chen
░ 聲音製作與監製 Music & Sound Producer
音樂 Music : 黃榮毅 (Eazie Huang)
音效 Sound Design: 林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin、林思妤Szu-Yu Lin(WinSound Studio 紋聲數位音樂創作工作室)
總混音 Re-recording Mixer:林孝親Hsiao-Chin Lin
客戶 Client:雜學校 Za Share
視覺統籌 Graphic Design: 奧茲藝術 OzzieArt
░ 動態影像統籌 Design Studio / 白輻射影像 Whitelight Motion
導演 Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
分鏡設計師 Storyboard Designer:張超傑 Jack Chang
動畫腳本 Motionboard : 陳亮宇 LightFish chen、余鐵非 Tieh-Fei Yu
2D 動畫 2D Animation : 張超傑 Jack Chang、陳亮宇 LightFish chen
░ 聲音製作與監製 Music & Sound Producer
音樂 Music : 黃榮毅 (Eazie Huang)
音效 Sound Design: 林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin、林思妤Szu-Yu Lin(WinSound Studio 紋聲數位音樂創作工作室)
總混音 Re-recording Mixer:林孝親Hsiao-Chin Lin