Bank Sinopac DAWAY Credit Card Refresh 2025|永豐銀行信用卡視覺形象升級
2025開年,我們與永豐銀行攜手為DAWAY信用卡創造升級形象,卡面設計從GEN Z潮流個性邁向內斂優雅,詮釋每一位持卡人都有專屬於自己的耀眼鋒芒。新版形象以「掩不住鋒芒」為概念,讓 DAWAY 標準字的波動添入起伏,呈現出每一次提卡消費鋒芒畢露的瞬間。卡面銀色光芒的基調、簡約的設計語言,以卡面視覺上的透徹明亮,象徵著自帶閃耀光芒、卻又含蓄的個人風格。
We partnered with Bank SinoPac to refresh the DAWAY credit card’s identity, evolving its design towards a refined elegance that highlights the unique brilliance of each cardholder.The refreshed concept, “Uncontainable Brilliance,” introduces dynamic waves into the DAWAY logo, capturing the striking moments of every transaction. With a silver-toned base and minimalist design language, the card's visual clarity symbolizes an understated yet radiant personal style.
Each purchase becomes an opportunity to shine—whether with subtlety or boldness. This card isn't just functional; it elevates everyday transactions into a stylish expression of individuality, ensuring it's as elegant to use as it is practical.

Experience Banking - Every Cardholder Has Their Own Unique Spark
當信用卡不再只是支付工具,而是串連品味生活的重要配件,從皮夾取卡、付款到收妥卡片的每個瞬間,都是一場名為「風格金融」細膩的生活儀式。而設計則是體現「風格金融」的重要語言,從網頁設計到宣傳視覺、從信用卡通路優惠溝通到社群內容應用,我們以「清晰透明」為視覺應用主題,創造連貫的DAWAY 2025 的數位體驗,讓信用卡品牌個性穿透所有溝通的媒介、走入消費者生活,創造共鳴。
透過視覺形象升級,DAWAY卡的續章是為每個世代消費者所量身打造。一張信用卡是消費觀點的具象化展現,永豐DAWAY 2025 不僅提供便捷、優惠的功能體驗,在設計思維緊密協作下,透過年度卡面形象升級,為永豐銀行品牌注入典雅、透徹同時又亮眼奪目的新形象。
A credit card is more than just a payment tool—it's a lifestyle accessory that reflects personal style. Every purchase becomes an expression of individuality and taste. Design plays a key role in this, with our work spanning from website design and promotional visuals to social media content. By focusing on the theme of "clarity and transparency," we created a seamless digital experience that communicates the personality of DAWAY 2025 to consumers.With this design upgrade, purchasing becomes not just a functional act, but a personal statement of style.

Client 客戶:永豐商業銀行 Bank Sinopac
Creative Agency:白輻射影像 Whitelight Motion
專案經理 Project Manager:詹智強 Jim Chan
設計指導 Design Director:石曦璇 Xi Shih
Creative Agency:白輻射影像 Whitelight Motion
專案經理 Project Manager:詹智強 Jim Chan
設計指導 Design Director:石曦璇 Xi Shih
藝術指導 Art Director:莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG
創意Ideation:石曦璇 Xi Shih
創意Ideation:石曦璇 Xi Shih
卡面與標準字設計 Card Design & Logotype:石曦璇 Xi Shih
視覺形象Key Visual Designer:莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG
視覺應用Key Visual Package:莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG
網頁視覺Website Visual Design:莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG
視覺形象Key Visual Designer:莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG
視覺應用Key Visual Package:莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG
網頁視覺Website Visual Design:莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG
動態視覺 Motion Design:石曦璇 Xi Shih